Who is Christine Ryan - Personal Trainer, Massage Therapist, & Biomechanic Specialist
Hello everyone!
I’m Christine :). Passionate triathlete, dedicated therapist, Biomechanic Specialist, personal trainer, and enthusiastic owner of OC Athletic Massage & Training!
I love motivating others to improve themselves. Whether it’s promoting physical fitness or a positive mental attitude, I’m all about it! As a professional sports massage therapist, I get the opportunity to do this every day. Helping people recover and heal is a big part of my passion for athletic massage. And with this blog, I wanted to share my knowledge with the world and connect with my clients!
I decided to start this blog as a place to share my passion for fitness, health, and wellness. I love sharing my knowledge about the best types of workouts and recovery techniques, my personal experiences, and professional expertise to help others. For the first time in my life, I have decided to let my dreams steer me toward my goals. I have gained the confidence to take the necessary risks to allow me to begin to build something that I am proud of. This blog is a small part of this new direction!
My affinity for an active and fitness-oriented lifestyle began at a young age. The journey to where I am today has been long and challenging! From being an active kid to being a premier massage therapist in Orange County has not been easy. And it all started long ago in the days of my youth. I started playing softball at 8 years old, and thus my story began…
I enjoyed softball thoroughly, but as I grew so did my passion for athletics. My height (I’m 6’2”!) drew me to volleyball in high school. As I transitioned to college, my love for volleyball and athletics only grew. I played for three years in college, always striving to be the best. This determination showed as I ended up earning the most improved award every year I played. I felt like I was at the top of my game!
Unfortunately, my sports career ended after those three years. My journey took a downward turn and I took some unplanned time off from physical activity. A few bad situations and an unhealthy environment drew me away from the life of fitness I once enjoyed so much. The absence of a fit and active lifestyle took a heavy toll on me both physically and mentally. I felt lost. With no sense of direction, no plan or accountability, no active lifestyle, I wasn’t happy. I felt like a stranger in my own skin–I wasn’t truly me.
This sinking deluge of inactivity continued for almost 10 years. I felt disappointed in myself. My life was full of negatives: I couldn’t be the mother I wanted to be for my kids, a decent friend for someone to lean on, or a caring partner. I didn’t love myself, and that meant I couldn’t love others—as I now know, love and caring starts with yourself. Something had to change.
Three years ago, I took the risk and gathered the courage to make that change. It was tough but it was much needed and I haven’t looked back! I changed my environment and left behind the negativity I once had in my life. I started focusing back on myself. And this, of course, included regaining my active lifestyle!
It took too long for me to realize the importance of living a fit life, something I took for granted when I was younger. Through the challenges I faced, I gained much-needed perspective. And now I’m more dedicated than ever to being the best me I could be! Exercise and fitness played an essential role in getting life back on track. By being active and healthy my drive to succeed grows day by day. It plays an important role in how I set and achieve my goals. And I couldn’t imagine my life without it now. I’ve returned to my roots and life is great. One of my current goals has been training to compete in triathlons–and I’m kicking butt at it! I’ve recently even started strength training with my loving and supportive boyfriend!
With my strong foundation in fitness rebuilt, the sky is the limit. I look and feel better both mentally and physically. An active lifestyle gives me a sense of drive and meaning and this comes out in how I feel and present myself. It has spread into other aspects of my life to help me be successful, on point, and most importantly, to be happy! This drive includes setting new goals for myself and developing a solid plan towards accomplishing them (very important for a healthy life!). It has helped me greatly when it comes to building my business, coming up with new plans and packages for clients, and helping others in general!
My top fitness goal for 2019 is to complete an Olympic distance triathlon by the end of this summer. UPDATE: I’VE SIGNED UP FOR A HALF IRON MAN AND TRAINING MY BUTT OFF! I’ll be sharing my journey as well as my training and recovery tips. I’m currently an ELDOA Trainer and I’m also working towards my certification as a Functional Patterns Practitioner and leading Standing Neutral Group Fitness Classes Online. Working hard to achieve my goals!
Hope you enjoy what you see! Follow along! I hope my journey inspires you to enable your own healthy lifestyle and reach your goals!
Pull up a chair, subscribe (check out our YouTube & Instagram!), and stay awhile, much more to come!
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